Welcome to Godstart
Every time a child is baptised the Church has a responsibility to the parent to help them develop their child’s faith.
The Godstart program is very much what it says, giving children the opportunity to relate to God right from the start of their lives. It is designed around making God important to children from the first anniversary of their baptism.
Godstart aims at reminding parents how much they and their children are loved by God. The program reassures them
that they are important members of the parish community and the wider community of God’s people, where they can
find support and companionship.
Godstart commemorates the Anniversary of their baptism with cards on the first, second and third anniversary.
A small prayer book will be delivered on your child’s 4th anniversary to assist in the development of regular prayer in the family.
While we are aware that parents are the primary educators of their children, your family in partnership with the parish
& school community will continue your child’s faith journey.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Should you require more information contact the parish office.